Transform Script to Video in a few clicks

Transform Script to Video

Transform Script to Video in a few clicks

With Synthesys AI Studio you can easily transform your script to video in a few minutes by taking advantage of our AI technology.

Forget the high expenses of hiring professional actors, cameras, and recording equipment. Just use our platform and save time and money.

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Our trusted brands

Create professional videos from scripts in 4 minutes

Converting your script to video could not be easier!

Step 1

Start in Our App

All you have to do is visit our video generation app, start from scratch, or choose between our 50+ professionally designed templates.

Step 2

Select from 70+ Lifelike Avatars

Choose your favorite avatar amongst 70+ lifelike avatars.

Step 3

Customize Your Video

Add your script, background transitions, text, or anything needed to make your video stand out.

Discover the Advanced Features of AI in Script-to-Video Maker

70+ Diverse Humatars at your Disposal

At this point, you might be wondering what a humatar is. Well, let us quickly explain it to you. Our “humatars” are the video avatars we have created by training our algorithms on real-life actors. And if your next question is why you should care. The answer is that these “humatars” are very lifelike and realistic and will read aloud any script you give them.

Exceptionally realistic voices

But it is not only our humatars that are lifelike, but the voices they use also are very realistic. Unlike other platforms that use APIs for their voiceovers, we have hired professional voice actors and spent hundreds of hours training our algorithms on their voices to produce a natural-sounding result.

Creative AI Script Writer

Everyone has a not-so-creative day! No worries, if you feel like that, use our AI writing assistant that will help you get over the writer’s block in seconds.

Ridiculously Easy-to-Use Platform

We have designed our platform with the end user in mind, so forget hard-to-use editing or video production platforms. All you have to do is add your script, and after a few clicks, you will have your video ready.

How to use our Script to AI video tool

Your journey to unleash the voice of tomorrow begins here

Step 1

Visit our AI humans app and start from scratch, or use one of the 50+ professionally designed templates.

Step 2

Now it is time to choose between our diverse 70 human-like avatars that suit your brand. Take your time and try a few of them to be sure that you have the perfect actor for the job.

Step 3

Write your video script. The best videos should have a killer script. Use our AI writing assistant and write a script that will captivate your viewers.

Step 4

Add final touches like backgrounds, text, and transition effects. Let your inner Steven Speilberg go wild and play around with different backgrounds, transitions, and text effects till you make your video a masterpiece.

Generate AI videos from script for any kind of project with just a few clicks

Training Videos

Shooting training videos can take a lot of time and become very costly.

Use our Script to video AI generator and streamline your training video production process with consistent results.

Marketing Videos

Do you have the script for your marketing videos ready and trying to find the budget for it? Stop looking. With Synthesys AI studio's Script to Video tool, you can create your marketing video material at a fraction of the cost and save money for other campaigns.

eLearning Videos

If you are in the eLearning industry and still spend most of your time in the video creation process, you are doing it all wrong.

Use our AI script to video app to create a professional educational video and use your extra time and money to promote your business.

Explainer Videos

Explainer videos are a great way to break down complex concepts for your clients or personnel. But spending a ton of time and money to create them is not such a good idea.

Free your time by using our AI video generator tools and deliver excellent results.

Don’t take our word for it

Check out what our users have to say about working with Synthesys AI Studio AI Video Generator

Need Assistance with Our Script to Video AI Generator?

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How can I write a video script?

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Here are some general rules that will help you write a video script:

1Define your video goals: Ask yourself questions like: What do you want to achieve with this video? Is it a marketing video that aims for signups or a training video with the goal of onboarding new clients?

2Know your audience: Knowing your target audience will help you use a language that resonates with them, so you will have more chances of resonating with them.

3Write a draft: If you think you are going to write a killer script on the first try, think again. Start by writing a draft and build on it.

4Write the final script: After you have written your draft and worked on it, you need to shape it into the final script.

What is the best script to video AI app?

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One of the best script-to-video AI apps is Synthesys AI Studio. With its diverse humatars, huge voice library, and easy-to-use video editor, it has earned a top spot in the script-to-video industry.

Can AI make a video from a script?

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Yes, AI technology has gone a long way nowadays, and it has become very easy to create video content from just a script. Use a script to video software like Synthesys AI Studio, add your script, tweak a few settings, and in a few minutes, you will have your engaging video ready for use.

Is there any free AI tool to convert script to video?

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Yes, you can try Synthesys AI Studio script to video application for free! Actually, you don't even have to add your email. This way, you can try before buying and be sure that it is the right choice for your business.

Ready to explore the prowess of realistic male voice generation for your projects?

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