Turn any written text into fluent spoken German with our text-to-speech German accent generator

Need lifelike German accent audio for your brand or business? Look no further than Synthesys AI’s German TTS generator!

AI voice Amala


Flag of DE


AI voice Bernd


Flag of DE


AI voice Conrad


Flag of DE


AI voice Elke


Flag of DE


AI voice Katja


Flag of DE


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Perfect German, in a range of voices, from any written text

Male or female, confident or playful, encouraging or businesslike — no matter what kind of German voice you need to bring your text to life, Synthesys AI Studio’s German text-to-speech converter has you covered. Check out some of the male and female voices we have on offer below!

Using Synthesys AI Studio’s German text-to-speech tool couldn’t be simpler

Sound players

Paste in your text

Simply copy-and-paste the text you want to bring to life into the tool’s text entry box.

Sound players

Choose your voice

Select the voice you want to read out your text from our diverse range.

Sound players

Generate audio file

The last step is the simplest —just click "Generate" to convert text into voice-over and download your audio file!

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What kinds of programs create the best text-to-speech results?

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The most lifelike German text-to-speech audio files are created by using deep neural network TTS technology. That's exactly what the Synthesys AI Studio German text-to-speech tool uses as well, meaning you can count on ultra-realistic, highly impressive results, every time.

What if I don’t speak German?

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No problem! If you have a text but don’t speak German, we recommend translating it into German first using one of the tools widely available on the Internet before using the German text-to-speech converter. We don’t at present support an in-app translation function.

Are there different German accents to choose from?

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Yes! Synthesys AI Studio offers German text-to-speech functionality in a range of different German voices, so no matter who you’re trying to appeal to or build a connection with, you’ll be able to find the perfect combination of accent and voice for your audience.

How long does it take to turn German text into audio with Synthesys AI Studio?

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Audio files are most often generated in a matter of moments. Depending on how long the text is, this may vary somewhat, but as a general rule, you can count on having your finished audio file fully created and ready to use sooner rather than later. If you run into any difficulties, you can always reach out to the team here at Synthesys AI Studio, as we offer 24/7 support and are never further than an email away.


Here are some more facts about the German Language

German is an incredibly old language, with most experts agreeing that the dialect which formed its basis, Proto-Germanic, originated somewhere around 2000 BC in the area around the Baltic Sea. Unlike French or Italian, it’s not a Romance language and has its own distinct grammatical structure and means of creating sentences. In modern German, compound nouns — new words created by fusing two existing nouns together — are very common, while the verb is most often placed at the end of the sentence

This stands in stark contrast to English, where the verb typically appears much earlier on. The language has a rich literary and poetic history, with famous writers and philosophers such as Goethe, Rilke, Kant, and Kafka all producing their work in German.